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These are books we have read and return to time again

The Beginner’s Guide to Hunting Deer For Food – by Jackson Landers
“Hunting deer is the most ine
xpensive and environmentally friendly way to acquire organic, grass-fed meat. Landers takes you through every step of the process and encourages a gentle and practical approach to the psychology and politics of hunting.”


Call of the Mild: Learning to Hunt My Own Dinner – by Lily Raff McCaulou
“Hunting has allowed me to explore some of my greatest questions and fears.” This book is a beautiful journey alongside a hunter as she learns and grapples with what it means to be a hunter.


girl Hunter : Revolutionizing the way we eat, one hunt at a time – by Georgia Pellegrini
What happens when a classically-trained New York chef and fearless omnivore heads out of the city and into the wild to track down the ingredients for her meals? After abandoning Wall Street to embrace her lifelong love of cooking, Georgia Pellegrini comes face to face with her first kill. From honoring that first turkey to realizing that the only way we truly know where our meat comes from is if we hunt it ourselves, Pellegrini embarks on a wild ride into the real world of local, organic, and sustainable food.


A Wild Land Ethic The story of Wilderness in Montana – Co-Editors Dale A Burk and Wayne Chamberlin
The history of how places in Montana were conserved, details about the process, and what it will take to do more. The books focuses on the history of the Wilderness preservation movement in Montana and features the work of 42 of Montana’s leading Wilderness writers. it covers in scope wild land resources across the state from the proposed Scotchman Peaks area in the northwestern Montana to the Pryor Mountains in the southeastern part of the state. Published locally in Stevensville, MT by Stoneydale Press


The Solace of Open Spaces – by Gretel Ehrlich
A stunning collection of personal observations that uses images of Wyoming and the American West to probe larger concerns in lyrical, evocative prose that is a true celebration of the region.


Becoming a Backpack Hunter: A Beginner’s Guide to Hunting the Backcountry – by Josh Kirchner
“This book was made to take one from the city to the backcountry and talk about everything in between. It was made to answer questions and inspire. When I started backpack hunting, resources were limited, and not in a condensed form. This made the whole process of learning quite taxing. I was constantly trying to find information on the subject, and when I did, I soaked up as much as I could. It took years and was the reason it took me so long to get into the field. The unknown can be a scary thing. Let this book bridge the gap that is keeping you from chasing your dreams of adventure, pursuing the wild meat we all know and crave.”


Game On, A Bird Hunter’s Table, Reloaded – by Sarah and Whitney Tilt
Game On features our favorite gamebird, fish and big game recipes. The book is not just a cookbook, though. Game On shares the stories of favorite hunts, and the rewards of bringing wild food to the table. Its photos give a glimpse of the wonderful landscapes we are fortunate to travel, as well as the dogs, the game, and the fellow travelers. The essays within these pages connect the tradition of hunting and fishing with the history of land and natural resource conservation, particularly the protection, restoration and enhancement of the habitats on which fish and wildlife depend.


The Omnivore’s Dilemma A Natural History of Four Meals – by Michael Pollan
What should we have for dinner? The question has confronted us since man discovered fire, but according to Michael Pollan, how we answer it today, may well determine our very survival as a species. Should we eat a fast-food hamburger? Something organic? Or perhaps something we hunt, gather, or grow ourselves? The omnivore’s dilemma has returned with a vengeance, as the cornucopia of the modern American supermarket and fast-food outlet confronts us with a bewildering and treacherous food landscape. What’s at stake in our eating choices is not only our own and our children’s health, but the health of the environment that sustains life on earth.


The Scavenger’s Guide to Haute Cuisine – by Steve Rinella
“A hybrid of memoir, cookbook, and travelogue, and a love song to hunting and fishing and the American wild, The Scavenger’s Guide to Haute Cuisine is about one man’s quest to live off the land and recreate the recipes from Escoffier’s Le Guide Culinaire, the 1903 magnum opus that still stands as one of the greatest haute cuisine cookbooks ever written.”  As always, Steve Rinella depicts an entertaining, no-nonsense portrait of an ethical hunter. This book expanded my view of what can be consider ed
ible game!



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